What's Occuring?

On Friday 14th 2015, we will be signing a book, tying a knot, jumping a stick and drinking a lot.

** Timings **

Evening reception begins at 1900.

We hope that as many of you as possible will be camping in the field with us, so you can be awoken on Saturday morning by the smells of the brunch BBQ! Once you've been dragged back into the world of the living there will be outdoor games all afternoon and we can try and finish off all the booze!

EVERYONE is welcome to stay Saturday night, but on Sunday morning Llama will say 'Good Day to YOU, Sir',  & you can all bugger off. xxx

** Glad Rags**

It's a casual affair, so make sure your attire is dancing and bonfire proof! The field is grassy, so if you must wear shoes - then wellies, flats, space boots or sandals with socks will be most appropriate.

** Fodder & Refreshment **

There will be late night food to keep you dancing all night!   

For your swigging pleasure there will be a free bar serving beer, cider and wine all night, but please bring a bottle of bubbles.

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